Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Full Social Calendar

Peyton has been Miss Social Butterfly lately…going to baseball games, being spoiled by her Aunts feeding her ice cream, eating at a Japenese steakhouse, participating in the Trolley Run, and snatching bargains at garage sales.

She had a lot of fun at the baseball game, once she kinda figured out what was going on. The first time everyone cheered, it scared her and she cried. But after that, her eyes would just get big and she would look around like she was trying to figure it all out. We even got her a first time fan certificate with her name and the date on it. I’m sure it’ll end up in a box in the basement, but it’s pretty special right now.

Aunt Tami fed her ice cream when we all went to lunch. It started with just a little lick off the cone and then if we would have let her, she would have grabbed the whole cone and finished it. I wish I had packed my camera with me.

She also loved the steakhouse restaurant. Lot’s of stuff going on for her to watch. She squawked and squealed and had a grand time. She even dressed up for the occasion and wore a skirt for the first time!

She was pushed for 4 miles in the Trolley Run, and of course loved it also. What was there not to love? She sat there and took it all in while mom huffed and puffed and entire time pushing 18 lbs of baby and probably another 20 lbs of stroller, wondering where the finish line was. Ha! Seriously though….4 miles. I couldn’t tell you the last time I even walked an entire mile, not even packing the extra pounds along….but we did it. And I think in under an hour and half! Several times she would just start blabbing to herself and when she got tired she just crashed out and napped. Next year, she’ll be able to do her own little Trolley Run for kids. It’s approx 25 feet and so darn cute to watch. I can’t wait! They also have several other activities for the kids like an obstacle course, face painting and clowns will make balloon objects of the kids choice. One problem……I’m not fond of clowns or balloons. This year Traci’s kids, Booker and Bodey, got balloons and Peyton and I just hung out in the background, but one of clowns noticed and brought me over a flower and said Peyton was too young for balloons, but I wasn’t. What do you in that situation? I thanked him, but never made eye contact and shoved it under the stroller, hoping it wouldn’t hit something and pop. It honestly blew out at some point, but Booker would ask where Baby Peyton’s balloon was and when I would tell him it blew away, he would say "No, baby Peyton no have a balloon because him’s mommy popped it”. (He does know the difference between girls and boys, but when talking, everyone is a boy.) It was so cute to hear him say that, but it did make me feel bad. Poor Peyton….she’ll never get clowns at her birthday parties and the balloons will be under protest.

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