Wednesday, February 4, 2009

And the Award goes to.......

My mom and I were discussing Peyton’s rosy cheeks the other day (the ones on her face) and we concluded that they were chapped because her “faucet” is on and she is a drooling machine anymore. They weren’t getting any better so we (mutually) decided to apply lotion. She squealed a little but we didn’t think much of it, only that maybe the lotion was a little cold, when really, we were probably burning the skin right off her cheeks. What were we thinking? It’s like when we’re sick and we apply lotion to our noses and it burns. Poor thing! I won’t go down alone on that one, so the Mom and Grandma of the Year Awards go to…….Mommy and Grandma!

Along the same lines, I was cooking the other night and felt bad for not interacting much with Peyton in the meantime. We’ve been trying to eat dinner after she goes down to bed, but I feel like I’m wasting away (like that will ever happen) and I’m starving by the time 6pm rolls around because I eat lunch at 1130am. Anyway, AJ ran to Wal-Mart to pick up diapers, wipes and formula so I started dinner. I put Peyton in the Boppy seat and gave her the most inexpensive toy of them all, which is currently her favorite….the Tylenol box. She loves it! She holds it and twirls it around and drenches it with her faucet (see above) and will play with it forever it seems like. Except that night. She was getting bored with it I guess, so I gave her a plastic ice cream scoop and was telling her how when she grows up we’ll eat ice cream together and she can put on her MU Tigers apron that Gma gave her for xmas and that we’ll cook together. It was going fine……she was playing and “talking”, I was cooking…things were getting done. Then I look over and she no longer has the scoop part in her mouth, but she is practically gagging herself with the stick end. What was I thinking? Apparently I wasn’t b/c she could have choked. Again, and the award goes to…….

So, Peyton, hang in there baby! I’m learning. Remember I’m new at this parenting thing and you didn’t come with a manual. Ha!

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